Conference Program

We have published the program of Updates in Oncology Conference.

The Conference has been accredited by the Romanian College of Physicians with:

16 CME.

Welcome message

Dear colleagues,

It is an honor and a pleasure to invite you to attend to “Updates in Oncology” conference to be held in lasi, at International Hotel, May 9th to May 11th, 201 9.

The scientific program will include lectures and debates given by renowned oncology specialists from our country and abroad (MD Anderson Cancer Center – Houston, University of Texas – Houston, Champalimaud Clinical Center – Lisbon and Radiology Clinics in Kaufbeuren – Landsberg, Fussen).

Our invited speakers and your active attendance to the conference are very important in order to create all the premises for a successful medical event. We are counting on your interest in attending the conference and we a re looking for ward to meeting you in May 2019!

Constantin Volovat, MD, PhD
The President of the Conference


The participation fee increases as the date of the event closes so, in order to benefit from the most advantageous tax regime, we invite you to register in advance.

Personal page

After registration, the Event Management Application creates your personal page, where you can manage all your services and activities related to the event.
Keep in mind!
Online Services
All the services required for your participation to the event can be booked, paid and managed online. It is the easiest and safest way to:
Register and pay online | Book Your Accommodation
Early bird registration: March 31st, 2019
Accommodation Booking: March 31st, 2019
EVENTER.NET Address: A. Panu St. no. 13, Iasi
Phone: 0332.40.88.00-05
Contact us!